Vaal Reefs Primary School

Vaal Reefs Primary School is a public primary school situated in the heart of Vaal Reefs, a suburb within Vaalreefs, North West, South Africa. This school is dedicated to providing quality education in the field of comprehensive curriculum.
Address and Location:
You can find Vaal Reefs Primary School at Tshepe Drive, Vaal Reefs, Orkney, 2747. Nestled within Orkney community, this location is strategically chosen to serve the local population and surrounding areas. You can correspond with the school via postal mail at P.O.Box 5084, Vaalreefs, 2621.
Vaal Reefs Primary School is a place of learning where students receive an ordinary education designed to provide them with a well-rounded academic experience. The school is committed to fostering a comprehensive curriculum that equips students with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in various aspects of life.
Section21 Status and Fees:
Vaal Reefs Primary School is a Section 21 school with a quintile rating of 3, it endeavors to meet the educational needs of its community while adhering to government guidelines for basic education.
As of the 2022 academic year, Vaal Reefs Primary School boasts of a student body of 450 learners and a team of 14 dedicated educators. These numbers mirror the significance of the school within the community and its commitment to nurturing a supportive and inclusive learning atmosphere.
Vaal Reefs Primary School operates under the Department Of Education And Training(Det). With a NatEmis number of 600102294, it is an institution committed to providing a high standard of education. The school’s Persal Paypoint Number, 82102, and Persal Component Number, 82102, are instrumental in managing administrative and payroll aspects, ensuring smooth operations in its pursuit of academic excellence.

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Category Details

State/Province: North West
City: Vaalreefs
Suburb: Vaal Reefs
Neighbourhood: Orkney
LGA/Local Municipality: Matlosana Local Municipality

School Details: 2022 Update

NatEmis: 600102294
Quintile: 3
Learners: 450
Educators: 14
Specialisation: Comprehensive

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